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Bird Rescue News (Winter 2011) |
I think I have been so lucky in having the continued support from the Department of Conservation. I have made some great friends over the years in DoC and they have given me some wonderful experiences. Thanks must also go to Raymond my husband who has had to put up with me doing my bird work over the years which sometimes would get in the way of “us” doing things. Funniest experience would have to be stripping down to jump in someone’s swimming pool to get a domestic duck which had gone into their pool. Worst I think maybe nearly losing an eye when a gannet struck at my face. A warning to wear eye protection when handling some of these birds with long necks and sharp beaks. Thank you to Narena Olliver and Jaclyn Kras for hosting these pages. And before I sign off just a few things to remember: (Annual occurances in our area). January – Fledgling of Grey–faced Petrels, February - If hot botulism, March - still can be botulism. April - onwards sometimes ParaPara (bird catcher tree), sticky seeds on birds. July – September Rhododendron Poisoning of Tui. August - onwards, ducklings. September - young birds lost. All year, accidents and sickness, storms, lack of food during winter etc. Thanks again, Rosemary Tully Whakatane Bird Rescue, New Zealand, 6 August 2011 [email protected] |
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